Together We Connect the World
Operating with offices all over the globe, we provide effective transport and Logistics solutions for all kinds of products.
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Learn about all the tools Celar Sphere Logistics has to offer for shipping across borders. Prepare and find international documents, estimate duties and taxes, search country profiles, harmonized codes and much more. Benefit from our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping needs.
Your success is our claim – and we give our best every day to achieve it. So that your freight arrives on time – in America, Europe and worldwide. Large-scale logistics projects require precise planning and the exact coordination of all parties involved. To ensure that complete power plants or turbines, for example, reach the recipient worldwide safely and on time, project-specific planning, management and control are required.
Our top priority is to keep the cost of moving your goods at a minimum. An all inclusive rate is charged with no hidden fees!
We provide a safe working environment for our employees offering them opportunities to grow, both personally and professionally, thus serving our clients with utmost efficiency.
We provide creative logistics solutions with our asset-based dedicated and expedited fleet, warehousing and distribution services and nationwide multi-modal freight brokerage.
Are you worried? No need, with our effective tracking system, you can travel with your shipment and be aware of any developments surrounding the transport
Learn about all the tools Celar Sphere Logistics has to offer for shipping across borders. Prepare and find international documents, estimate duties and taxes, search country profiles, harmonized codes and much more. Benefit from our services and solutions designed to meet all of your shipping needs.
We have a wide range of solutions that can be tailored to your business’ particular needs. Our aim is to optimise and improve your supply chain, helping you gain a competitive advantage.
Growth is what we aim to achieve and what our customers say has been an important factor to this. We take great pride in satisfying our clients.
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Today’s customers are always on the go and want their products faster and cheaper than ever before. Global interconnectedness is growing. That’s why you need a powerful, international network to manage your supply chain. Because we’re not only delivering packages. It’s our goal to bring joy and prosperity to the people we serve. Everywhere. Every day.
More than 20 years of experience in planning and executing transport and logistics services make us a reliable partner when it comes to your freight. With our companies and offices spread all over the globe, we are well represented.
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